Our Elders
This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.
- 1 Timothy 3:1
Gerald Wise
Gerald and his wife, Candy, have lived in both Louisiana and Texas with his work as a chemical engineer for Shell. They have been members at Cy-Fair since 1995 and he has served as an elder for many of those years. Now retired, Gerald traveled internationally in his company’s behalf, but always used those opportunities abroad to interface with brethren in foreign lands, particularly in The Netherlands. They are parents to two children and have been blessed with two grandsons, as well. Gerald’s management skills serve him well as he uses those abilities to shepherd God’s flock.
Curtis Thetford
Curtis and his wife, Johnette, have been members at Cy-Fair since they married in 1992. Curtis grew up in the St. Louis area and moved to Houston in 1990, while Johnette has lived her whole life in Houston. Curtis has worked since 1990 in Information Technology at Shell Oil Company and for the last 25+ years at Hewlett Packard. They are parents of three children and will soon be grandparents for the first time. Curtis began serving as an elder in December of 2021 after many years of serving as a deacon. Curtis is an avid reader and enjoys time spent in the study of God's Word. His desire is to be an example to the flock (1 Pet 5:3) and to share the Good News of God's blessings for man with others (Gal. 4:4-5).
If you have any questions or want to contact one of our elders, please contact us and they will be glad to get back to you as soon as they can.